Fernanda is a guitarist, composer and guitar teacher from the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. At the age of 13, she began her studies in classical guitar at the Pernambucano Conservatory of Music. Her musical apprenticeship had already begun from an early age via her father, a brilliant guitarist.
Continuing her studies at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Fernanda graduated at the top of her class, an award obtained at the end of her 5 year study, in the highest course of Musicology.
Between her studies and the rich musical experience in the effervescent culture of her region, Fernanda played frevo, maracatu, choro, samba, ciranda, colo, and baião, in several musical formations, from solo to orchestra.
In 2005, her desire to deepen her studies led her to France, where she joined the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Paris. There she trained in Jazz; also in classical guitar with the great master Ramón de Herrera.
In 2010, she joined Tania Chagnot's class of classical guitar at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental of Haÿ-les-Roses where she graduated in 2012 with a Diploma of Musical Studies, the DEM, won unanimously by the jury, and in chamber music, the prize unanimously with the congratulations of the jury. She continued the advanced courses in classical guitar for 2 years with Tania Chagnot.
From 2014 to 2016, Fernanda pursued another development course with Jérémy Jouve, at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental of Aulnay-sous-Bois.
Fernanda's background and musical experiences in both Brazilian traditional music and classical music have contributed to the remarkable musicality of her playing, her sense of form and rhythm, combined with a beautiful, artistic sensitivity and a pure, warm sound.
Fernanda is a musician who knows how to delicately mix different musical universes ... elegantly, spontaneously. In addition to her concert activities, where she regularly gives concerts in Europe and Brazil, Fernanda also has a passion for teaching. Currently, she gives guitar lessons in Paris and the Paris region, where she has the pleasure of transmitting her cultural, musical knowledge on the expression of oneself through the guitar.
Concurrently, she is working on her debut solo project of original compositions, which will soon be available to the public!
Fernanda is a guitarist, composer and guitar teacher from the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. At the age of 13, she began her studies in classical guitar at the Pernambucano Conservatory of Music. Her musical apprenticeship had already begun from an early age via her father, a brilliant guitarist.
Continuing her studies at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Fernanda graduated at the top of her class, an award obtained at the end of her 5 year study, in the highest course of Musicology.
Between her studies and the rich musical experience in the effervescent culture of her region, Fernanda played frevo, maracatu, choro, samba, ciranda, colo, and baião, in several musical formations, from solo to orchestra.
In 2005, her desire to deepen her studies led her to France, where she joined the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Paris. There she trained in Jazz; also in classical guitar with the great master Ramón de Herrera.
In 2010, she joined Tania Chagnot's class of classical guitar at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental of Haÿ-les-Roses where she graduated in 2012 with a Diploma of Musical Studies, the DEM, won unanimously by the jury, and in chamber music, the prize unanimously with the congratulations of the jury. She continued the advanced courses in classical guitar for 2 years with Tania Chagnot.
From 2014 to 2016, Fernanda pursued another development course with Jérémy Jouve, at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental of Aulnay-sous-Bois.
Fernanda's background and musical experiences in both Brazilian traditional music and classical music have contributed to the remarkable musicality of her playing, her sense of form and rhythm, combined with a beautiful, artistic sensitivity and a pure, warm sound.
Fernanda is a musician who knows how to delicately mix different musical universes ... elegantly, spontaneously. In addition to her concert activities, where she regularly gives concerts in Europe and Brazil, Fernanda also has a passion for teaching. Currently, she gives guitar lessons in Paris and the Paris region, where she has the pleasure of transmitting her cultural, musical knowledge on the expression of oneself through the guitar.
Concurrently, she is working on her debut solo project of original compositions, which will soon be available to the public!
Originaire de l'état de Pernambuco au Brésil, Fernanda est guitariste, compositrice et professeure de guitare. À l'âge de 13 ans, elle débute ses études de guitare classique au Conservatório Pernambucano de Música, bien que son apprentissage musical ait déjà commencé dès son plus jeune âge au sein de sa famille, notamment auprès de son père guitariste.
Plus tard, afin de se professionnaliser, elle poursuit ses études à Universidade Federal de Pernambuco dans un cursus supérieur de musicologie.
Elle clôt ces 5 années d'études avec un diplôme d’État et le titre de major de promotion. En parallèle de ses études musicales classiques, le répertoire musical de Fernanda s'enrichit pleinement de la culture effervescente de sa région natale : elle joue du frevo, maracatū, choro, samba, ciranda, coco, et du baião, selon plusieurs formations musicales, du solo à l'orchestre. C'est vif, c'est le carnaval!
À partir de 2005, son désir d’approfondir ses études la mène en France, où elle intègre le Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris. Elle suit alors une formation de jazz, ainsi que des cours de guitare classique avec le grand maître Ramón de Herrera.
En 2010, elle intègre la classe de guitare classique de Tania Chagnot au Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental de l'Haÿ-les-Roses. Elle y obtient en 2012 son Diplôme d'Études Musicales, le DEM, prix obtenu à l'unanimité du jury, et en musique de chambre, le prix à l'unanimité avec les félicitations du jury.
De 2014 à 2016, Fernanda poursuit un autre cursus de perfectionnement avec Jérémy Jouve, au Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental d'Aulnay-sous-bois.
Son parcours multiculturel au travers des musiques traditionnelles brésiliennes et de la musique classique a contribué à la remarquable musicalité de son jeu, son sens de la forme et du rythme, allié à une belle sensibilité artistique et une sonorité pure et chaleureuse.
Fernanda est une musicienne qui sait mêler avec finesse des univers musicaux distincts, dans un jeu très élégant et spontané. Parallèlement à ses activités de concertiste avec des concerts réguliers en Europe et au Brésil, Fernanda a aussi une passion pour l'enseignement. Actuellement, elle donne des cours de guitare à Paris et en région parisienne, lors desquels elle a le plaisir de transmettre ses connaissances musicales, culturelles, et aussi la joie de pouvoir s'exprimer à travers un instrument de musique.
En 2018 elle sort son album "Opará" il est disponible sur son site internet, sur toutes les plateformes de musique digitale, et dans quelques boutiques en France et au Brésil.
Le disque présente des compositions originales de l’artiste, qui puise son inspiration aussi bien dans la nature que dans la musique et les danses traditionnelles de sa région d’origine.
Et pour mieux exprimer les rythmes et la spiritualité de sa culture présentes en ses compositions, Fernanda a invité les talentueux et expérimentés percussionnistes, le brésilien "Ogan Alabê" Gilberto Bala et guyanais Fabrice Thompson.
Fernanda é violonista, compositora e professora de violão, nasceu em Recife, Pernambuco. Aos 13 anos de idade iniciou seus estudos em violão clássico no Conservatório Pernambucano de Música, mas seus primeiros aprendizados musicais começaram desde muito cedo, no aconchego familiar, com o seu pai violonista.
Mais tarde, a fim de se profissionalizar, ela ingressou na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, onde obteve a láurea universitária no curso de Licenciatura em Música.
Nesse período, ela se divide entre seus estudos e suas experiências musicais no seio da cultura pernambucana, fazendo parte de vários grupos locais, do solo à orquestra, e lá já se foram alguns carnavais!
A partir de 2005, o desejo em aprofundar seus estudos a levou até a França, onde teve aulas de jazz e de violão clássico com o grande mestre Ramón de Herrera, no prestigioso Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris.
Em 2010, ela ingressa no Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental de Hay-les-Roses no curso de violão clássico com a grande violonista francesa Tania Chagnot. Em 2012, Fernanda conclui seu curso com êxito, obtendo o seu DEM, o Diplôme d'études musicales, prêmio obtido pela unanimidade dos jurados, e no curso de música de câmara, obteve o prêmio com congratulações e pela unanimidade dos jurados. E durante os dois anos seguintes, conclui o curso de Aperfeiçoamento em violão clássico, com a mesma professora.
De 2014 a 2016, Fernanda faz outro curso de aperfeiçoamento em violão clássico, dessa vez com o grande mestre Jérémy Jouve, no Conservatório à Rayonnement Départemental d'Aulnay-sous-Bois.
Suas experiências musicais, tanto na música popular brasileira, como na música clássica, contribuíram para a sua notável musicalidade, para uma consciência das formas, estilos e ritmos, aliados a uma bela sensibilidade artística, e ao seu som puro e caloroso.
Fernanda é uma musicista que sabe misturar delicadamente diferentes universos musicais, com elegância e espontaneidade. Além de suas atividades de concertista, onde ela toca frequentemente na Europa e no Brasil, Fernanda também tem uma grande paixão pelo ensino. Atualmente, ela dá aulas de violão em Paris e na região parisiense, onde tem o prazer de transmitir seus conhecimentos musicais, culturais e também de dividir a alegria de poder se expressar através de um instrumento.
Em 2018, ela lançou seu álbum "Opará", disponível no seu site, em todas as plataformas de música digital e em algumas lojas na França e no Brasil.
O disco apresenta composições originais da artista, que se inspira na natureza e nas músicas e danças tradicionais da sua região.
E afim de melhor expressar os ritmos e a espiritualidade presentes na sua cultura em suas composições, Fernanda convidou os
talentosos e experientes percussionistas, o brasileiro "Ogan Alabê" Gilberto Bala e o guyanense Fabrice Thompson.
Fernanda is a guitarist, composer and guitar teacher from the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. At the age of 13, she began her studies in classical guitar at the Pernambucano Conservatory of Music. Her musical apprenticeship had already begun from an early age via her father, a brilliant guitarist.
Continuing her studies at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Fernanda graduated at the top of her class, an award obtained at the end of her 5 year study, in the highest course of Musicology.
Between her studies and the rich musical experience in the effervescent culture of her region, Fernanda played frevo, maracatu, choro, samba, ciranda, colo, and baião, in several musical formations, from solo to orchestra.
In 2005, her desire to deepen her studies led her to France, where she joined the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Paris. There she trained in Jazz; also in classical guitar with the great master Ramón de Herrera.
In 2010, she joined Tania Chagnot's class of classical guitar at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental of Haÿ-les-Roses where she graduated in 2012 with a Diploma of Musical Studies, the DEM, won unanimously by the jury, and in chamber music, the prize unanimously with the congratulations of the jury. She continued the advanced courses in classical guitar for 2 years with Tania Chagnot.
From 2014 to 2016, Fernanda pursued another development course with Jérémy Jouve, at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental of Aulnay-sous-Bois.
Fernanda's background and musical experiences in both Brazilian traditional music and classical music have contributed to the remarkable musicality of her playing, her sense of form and rhythm, combined with a beautiful, artistic sensitivity and a pure, warm sound.
Fernanda is a musician who knows how to delicately mix different musical universes ... elegantly, spontaneously. In addition to her concert activities, where she regularly gives concerts in Europe and Brazil, Fernanda also has a passion for teaching. Currently, she gives guitar lessons in Paris and the Paris region, where she has the pleasure of transmitting her cultural, musical knowledge on the expression of oneself through the guitar.
In 2018, she released her album "Opará", available on her website, on all digital music platforms and in some stores in France and Brazil.
The album features original compositions by the artist, who is inspired by nature and the traditional music and dance of her region.
And in order to better express the rhythms and spirituality present in her culture in her compositions, Fernanda invited the talented and experienced percussionists, Brazilian "Ogan Alabê" Gilberto Bala and guyanense Fabrice Thompson.
Originaria del estado de Pernambuco en Brasil, Fernanda es guitarrista, compositor y profesor de guitarra. A los 13 años, comenzó a estudiar guitarra clásica en el Conservatorio Pernambucano de Música, aunque su aprendizaje musical ya había comenzado con su familia a una edad muy temprana, especialmente con su padre guitarrista.
Más tarde, para profesionalizarse, continuó sus estudios en la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco en un curso superior de musicología.
Terminó estos 5 años de estudio con un diploma estatal y el título de mayor de promoción. Además de sus estudios musicales clásicos, el repertorio musical de Fernanda está completamente enriquecido por la cultura efervescente de su región natal: ella toca frevo, maracatū, choro, samba, ciranda, coco y baião, según varios grupos musicales, desde solista hasta orquesta. ¡Es animado, es carnaval!
A partir de 2005, su deseo de profundizar sus estudios la llevó a Francia, donde se unió al Conservatorio à Rayonnement Régional de Paris. Luego se formó en jazz, así como clases de guitarra clásica con el gran maestro Ramón de Herrera.
En 2010, se unió a la clase de guitarra clásica de Tania Chagnot en el Conservatorio Departamental de Haal-les-Roses. En 2012, obtuvo su Diploma en Estudios Musicales, el DEM, premio obtenido por unanimidad por el jurado, y en música de cámara, el premio por unanimidad con las felicitaciones del jurado.
De 2014 a 2016, Fernanda realizó otro curso de capacitación con Jérémy Jouve, en el Conservatorio Departamental de Aulnay-sous-bois.
Su viaje multicultural a través de la música tradicional brasileña y la música clásica contribuyó a la notable musicalidad de su forma de tocar, su sentido de la forma y el ritmo, combinado con una hermosa sensibilidad artística y un sonido puro y cálido.
Fernanda es un músico que sabe mezclar universos musicales distintos con delicadeza, en una obra muy elegante y espontánea. Además de sus actividades de concierto con conciertos regulares en Europa y Brasil, Fernanda también tiene una pasión por la enseñanza. Actualmente, da clases de guitarra en París y la región de París, durante las cuales tiene el placer de transmitir sus conocimientos musicales y culturales, y también la alegría de poder expresarse a través de un instrumento musical.
En 2018 lanzó su álbum "Opará", que está disponible en su sitio web, en todas las plataformas de música digital y en algunas tiendas en Francia y Brasil.
El disco presenta composiciones originales del artista, quien se inspira en la naturaleza, así como en la música y los bailes tradicionales de su región de origen.
Y para expresar mejor los ritmos y la espiritualidad de su cultura presente en sus composiciones, Fernanda invitó a los percusionistas talentosos y experimentados, el brasileño "Ogan Alabê" Gilberto Bala y el guyanés Fabrice Thompson.